
A polyglot is a person who speaks several languages.  Here are some examples from Youtube:

This is cool to me that these people can speak so many different languages.  I have taken a few language classes, but due to many factors--not limited to but including lack of natural ability, a busy schedule, and overall laziness--I have only really been able to learn Portuguese, which I learned as a missionary in Brazil, and Spanish, which is widely spoken in the United States and which is close to Portuguese.

I think language learning is fun and has many benefits. One recent example of this happened when I started using the site Twitter.  On Twitter, one may search for current topics and read what people from around the world are saying about them.  I noticed that many Spanish and Portuguese speakers comment on some of the same topics and I am interested.  It feels cool to be able to understand what they are saying.  It also reminds me that the United States is just one piece of the world and that the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking populations of the world are significant.  Further, on the list of topics which are trending around the world, from time to time a topic appears in either Portuguese or Spanish.

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