
I am a fan of board games.  Some time ago, I came across rules for a game called Riskopoly.  Here is a set of rules.  The game is essentially both Risk and Monopoly at the same time.  Players gain money from their Monopoly properties as well as their Risk territories in order to buy armies.  With these armies, players try to conquer the world.  I have never played this game, but I would be interested in trying.  The major hurdle is that since both Risk and Monopoly are notoriously long, such a game would be even longer.  It is a tall order to find people who would be interested in making the time investment necessary to play this game.

If I one day complete a game of Riskopoly, I might try next Settlers of Riskopoly.

Also, I wonder what other board games could be combined to form even better games?

1 comment:

  1. Chris, I'm down. But I think the rules need some tweaking. To be more consistent with the rules of risk, the more countries and continents you own, the cheaper the armies should be
