"Tell Santa I Want an Amazon Kindle*"

Here is an interesting link which talks about e-books versus regular books.  In particular it predicts that books will largely be replaced by e-books. I agree with a lot of the points in the article which I referenced above.
I am particularly pleased as well with the ability to have all of the books I need for church on my phone.  I used to bring a backpack with a few books and a notebook for notes.  Now all I need is my phone.  Plus I can access my electronic notes for future reference.

Here is the downside: there are lots of (legal) ways to read books for free. Using the library is easy, and in many cases the library has hot recent books. Physical books can also be lent and borrowed. A Kindle book can really only be legally used on the book owner's device. It's much cheaper for me to read new books, as much as possible, by checking them out from the library.

*In case Santa comes across this post, I don't actually want an Amazon Kindle.  I have been very spoiled this year on electronics.

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